Saturday, April 16, 2022

How To Unblock A Shower, Or Bath, Drain

Blocked showers or baths are one of the most common issues homeowners have in their bathrooms. If this happens, you will be unable to enjoy the relaxing soak that you had planned.

Clogged drains are caused by hair, dirt, grease, or soap scum. What is the end result? The end result?

Slow draining water can cause slippery layers of grime on your shower tray or bath. This could pose a safety hazard as well as a hygiene risk for anyone who uses it. We have compiled a quick guide to help you unblock any drain.

You'll soon be an expert soap scum removal specialist after reading our top tips!

Identify the source of the blockage

First, identify the cause of the blockage. To find clues, pull out the plug and remove the chrome cover from your waste.

A buildup of hair or soap scum is the most common culprit. You can pull out any hairs you find using your hands, pliers or coat hanger. To check if the drain is functioning, run the water.

Use a plunger

Next, use a plunger for the removal of the blockage. Do not use chemicals at this stage. They could splatter your skin or clothes.

Make sure to seal the overflow drain before you use the plunger. Make sure to fill the tub with enough water to submerge the plunger head. Use a vertical motion to propel the plunger head. Take a look at your results after 20 seconds.

You can repeat this process several times until you get some results. If the obstruction persists, you might need to snake it.

Use a Snake

A plumber's snake is a flexible, thin auger or a cable made of steel with a handle. These snakes are inexpensive at around PS10 to PS20 and can be used to dislodge blockages.

You can feed the snake down the drain until the clog is gone. Turn the snake's handle around and then bring it up. To test the drain for clogs and verify they are gone, run water.

To remove a blockage that is too large, you can keep the snake handle in place and turn it inside.

Baking soda and vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are better alternatives to chemical solutions. Baking soda can loosen sludge and grime from your drains. Baking soda can be combined with vinegar to create a bubbling chemical reaction which should help loosen the blockage.

Although it may not always be able to resolve the most severe blockages this is a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly option that can be used for slow-draining showers or baths.

Put a pot of boiling water down your drain.

Half a cup of baking soda should be poured down the drain. Allow it to settle for a while.

Add a cup of white vinegar to the mix and some hot water.

Allow resting for between 5-10 minutes

Boil water and flush.

Baking soda and vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are better alternatives to chemical solutions. Baking soda can loosen sludge and grime from your drains. Baking soda can be combined with vinegar to create a bubbling chemical reaction which should help loosen the blockage.

Although it may not always be able to resolve the most severe blockages this is a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly option that can be used for slow-draining showers or baths.

Put a pot of boiling water down your drain.

Half a cup of baking soda should be poured down the drain. Allow it to settle for a while.

Add a cup of white vinegar to the mix and some hot water.

Allow resting for between 5-10 minutes

Boil water and flush.

blog baking soda

If possible, avoid using chemicals

To remove a blockage, we do not recommend that you use chemicals. Although strong chemicals can sometimes be used to remove a blockage, they can also cause harm to the environment and may prove to be dangerous.

Caustic soda – This chemical dissolves grease and fat. It can be used to remove the blockage from the drain by having a strong exothermic effect (it heats up). Follow the instructions and cover your eyes and skin.

Sulphuric acid – This chemical can generate heat to melt blockages, and can clear drain by dissolving nearly anything it comes across. Sulphuric acid can be very effective if used correctly. However, it can cause skin deterioration, emit toxic fumes and have a strong chemical reaction with water or other drain-cleaning chemicals. It can cause heat explosions and toxic fumes eruptions. If it reacts with sealant or splits pipework from heat generated by the by-product, it can melt pipework. It should only be used on a dry drain.

Get in touch with a plumber

Call a professional plumber if you feel uncomfortable about removing your drain or using chemicals. This is the cheapest option but also the easiest.

How to avoid future clogs

Prevention is better than cure. To prevent hair and other small items from falling down your drain, you can purchase a drain protector. Secure soap dishes will prevent soap from dripping into the drain.

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How To Unblock A Shower, Or Bath, Drain

Blocked showers or baths are one of the most common issues homeowners have in their bathrooms. If this happens, you will be unable to enjoy...